Saturday, January 24, 2015

The bus ride project

I COULD be working on still art at the moment, but I'm
working on an animation at the moment, so, yeah.
My time's devoted to this guy at the moment.

Monday, January 19, 2015

The DJ Pad

This one took a little longer than the others,
but it was worth it to get that "string bean"
limb kinda style!

As usual, I started out with my initial paper sketch...

Then I began the line work.
I jumped the gun on the colors so I can get
a feel for how I want the room.

Then I dropped the base colors on everything and
removed the outlines (because I REALLY like it this way),
but that wall corner stayed to show the bridge
between the far and left wall

Whilst the wall thing worked, it being the only line made it
stand out too much, so I added detail lines to everything
to show what texture was what.

And as a final tough added lighting.
By the way, I'm getting into the stringy limb thing a lot so
I may pick this up once I finish my current animation.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Redisign #2

I was having so much fun over the break redesigning some characters
I even went back and redesigned my first one... again! Really
liking the lineless look so far, but I'll see how long that lasts.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Sub-main character

Welp, I finished a second one and realized: these two
would go great on the same page! So I spliced
them together. They are the same character, but
at two separate points in my cruel, cruel plot system.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Character stuff

Welp, it's been almost a month, but it's back to work now.
Even though I was technically on a break, I did a lot
of character design sketch work over December. I may finish all
of them, but I had to finish this guy first! He's a redesign of
a prior character I'd made about a year ago!