Friday, July 17, 2015

The Battle

This is a pretty intense scene that I couldn't help but finish and share.

The outline I had was pretty rough. And I wasn't
entirely sold on the idea of an eye... cannon... thing.

Once I started the actual linework I noticed
that the creature is a blob, and as such cannot have
black outlines (unless it was tar)
Once I did the linework I kinda knew that red was going to be the theme
color of this piece so I complemented it as best I could.

The glowing effects from the lava slime was essential.
It helps sell the hopeless look on the young hero's face.

And then I added some color passes under a soft light
layer just to make it all pop just a little more!
I hope this guy lives.... but maybe not.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rolling Hills Animation

I just realized I never uploaded the video of
the Rolling hills for you all to see!
Well, this is it basically! I had to butcher
this character's color for now and there's no sound.
Still, I'm happy with how this came out.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Aegis Canyon

Trying to get back into the swing of backgrounds!

So, I started with some cylinders (simple shapes
are working better for me).

Then I took my time and detailed everything I saw
along my vanishing point.

I don't intend on keeping the outlines, but
I needed to go over the base sketch again
to make sure I want to keep it all. Adding at least
this base white color  helps me layer each part
of the piece in place.

After removing the lines I don't want, I blend
the lines I kept into the now added color and gradients
by makling it a soft light and viola! The
yellowest canyon road you'll ever see!