Saturday, October 8, 2016


follow the tumblr here:
Alright- I've moved the who shabang to tumblr too!
Go ahead and inbox me there if you have any questions about the comic or characters so far.
and I'll likely answer them using a specific character! 
I'll be updating tumblr and blogger for the future so there's 
no need to worry about missing anything coming up.

the left and right

And how's election season going for you guys?

Thursday, October 6, 2016


I'm using the standard prompt for Inktober this year and have followed every day so far! I'm posting all of my images for Inktober this year on my Instagram, but I may just dump my week of inks each week here!

If you want to see all of my Inktober drawings as they come up just follow me @thatoneguywithstuff93 on Instagram!

Otherwise, give me til the end of the week and I'll show you what I've got so far.